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  • Camper Photo; Due by March 1st
  • Bunk Requests; Due by March 1st
  • Camper Information; Due by March 1st
  • Travel Information; Due by May 1st (Camper’s photo must accompany this form. In order for us to medically treat your child, your electronic signature is necessary)
  • Medical Form; Due by May 1st (please see the health page for more information on how to complete & submit this correctly)
  • Miscellaneous Expense Form; Due by May 1st (This form must be completed with your credit card number, expiration date, CVV code, and a copy (front & back) of your insurance card)
PLEASE NOTE: As always, we will do our very best to honor certain requests; please make sure to have your forms completed by the aformentioned date.

Please click here to log into CampInTouch & complete your forms