Philosophy & Values

The essence of our philosophy is to intentionally create an environment that is safe and fun for children. Why?

So they can grow.

Life is complex. Relationships are complex. Raquette Lake wants your child to feel safe making a new friend so we train our staff to offer the encouragement kids needs to develop healthy relationships. We want your child to navigate the complexities of life with a feeling of confidence. Our counselors know the skills kids develop in daily activities are the building blocks for independence, for recognizing that they have worth, and teaching the kids that they can challenge themselves to be more than they are now.

Of course campers don’t think about any of this — they are busy having fun. They are living in the moment, and that’s another thing that is special about Raquette Lake Camps — even in the midst of a fast-paced game there are moments to remember.

We believe it is important to intentionally slow down and appreciate the people and opportunities around you. Life seems to be moving faster and faster, but at RLC we want to strike a balance between high-energy fun and high-impact values.

We don't entertain campers, we engage them.


Our 2-to-1 camper-to-counselor ratio means your child will have a caring counselor working side-by-side with them during bunk clean-up, teaching them in activities, cheering for them in camp competitions, hiking up the mountain with them on a backpacking trip, eating meals with them — you really couldn’t ask for a more engaging environment!


What would camp be if it wasn’t fun? Campers are motivated to try new things because the goal is to have fun together. Fun is what brings friends together and puts a smile on each child’s face.


Skill-based learning is a key component of camp life and it can only happen with qualified instructors at every activity and program. Part of each activity period is dedicated to instruction, and the rest to practicing skills in a fun, organized, non-competitive setting. We hire professional coaches and specialty counselors so we can provide the highest calibre of instruction.


Friends are one of the reasons campers return year after year. A child’s best friends will be their camp friends. A major, if not the most important, component of our staff training is teaching counselors to foster those friendships and help campers who struggle to make friends. A child will only love camp and have fun if they have a friend to enjoy it with.


Campers learn the importance of working as a team not only on the fields but in the bunks as well. Teamwork involves learning how to share and be respectful to others. Once learned, it is a lesson they will retain the rest of their lives.


What we teach is not just love of the game, but camaraderie, and the respect of all players. Sportsmanship and good instruction matter just as much as competition.


For most children, camp is the first time they become fully independent of their families. They learn to take healthy risks, make appropriate decisions, and learn to live on their own. The independence they learn at camp will help them succeed at college and throughout their lives.


Campers learn the value of their contributions. Whether it’s bunk cleanup or a baseball game, campers learn they have a role to play, and that others depend on them to carry out that role to the best of their abilities.


In the ever-changing, fast-moving, “plugged-in” world of computers, smart phones, video games, and movies, camp gives children the opportunity to “unplug” and discover an alternate world of nature, sports, arts, and adventure.


In the ever-changing, fast-moving, “plugged-in” world of computers, smart phones, video games, and movies, camp gives children the opportunity to “unplug” and discover an alternate world of nature, sports, arts, and adventure.

Camp is the best place to connect.

Raquette Lake encourages kids to learn how to live without external influences in their “me” world and how to enjoy living with others in a “we” world.