It was round 1 of our first USTA Tournament today and tomorrow is round 2. Once the tournament is complete we will update you with the results!
Evening activity was camp sister game night and it was a BLAST! We played games like headbanz, Jenga, Cards, & Uno! Eddie had a campfire with the lower soph girls. Lucky them!
Here is more updates from our Group Leaders!
Upper Freshman-
The first week of camps was very exciting with lots of fun stuff going on at every activity! At swim the girls were doing backstroke drills and freestyle drills. At Basketball they were learning how to dribble, pass, and shoot in the correct form! At dance they have been practicing a dance routine from the musical Matilda! At water ski the girls have been transition from the boom to the short ropes to prepare for the long ropes! Say cheese, at arts & crafts they have been busy making picture frames! At gymnastics learning back handsprings and hand stands. At tennis they have been running the courts practicing 4 times a week! As you can see they are SUPER busy!!- Jessica
Lower Soph’s & Upper Soph’s-
Hello from RLGC! The girls have had an amazing start to the summer! We have been blessed with beautiful weather, so the Dancing Diamonds are making an appearance regularly. The girls are loving the bunk and really making it their home. SUPY kicked things off at Opening Campfire and taught the girls the importance of staying united with one another. They enjoyed their first TP after campfire. The girls absolutely loved watching the staff perform at the Talent Show. Our first trip at Enchanted Forest was a hit! We had perfect weather for a water park. We ended the first week with an incredible Senior Show called Anything Goes and with a trip over to RLBC to celebrate July 4th! Girls side had so much fun participating in the Dutch Auction and their hula dancing skills were A+! – Jill & Katie