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We Are Family!

Another full day of activities and tons of smiles! The sophomore and juniors are working hard in preparation for Friday’s soccer and basketball inter-camps. We know our girls will show good sportsmanship and give it their all and that is what is most important to us! The seniors are still singing and dancing in the playhouse getting ready for their big debut on Friday.

A wonderful tradition as old as the camp itself, is our camp sister program. Each girl got their camp sister last night in a surprise ceremony!! This connects our campers and expands their camp family providing them another person to look up to and be there to talk to.

The girls were up on their chairs singing in the dining room when “We Are Family” began to play on the sound system. Everyone began to sing along, dance and get excited to meet their camp sister for the 2018 summer. Each girl was given a puzzle piece and told that the she needed to find the one girl whose piece was a perfect fit for her. The new sisters took photos, chatted, shared ice cream, sang and danced some more and returned to their bunks knowing that their Raquette Family had just gotten a little bigger for the summer.

We can’t express to you how important camp sisters are and although each year every girl will be given a different camp sister their bond carries on for their entire camp experience!