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Hula Dancing All Night Long!

After all the fun and excitement last night a lazy Sunday morning breakfast was MUCH needed! The girls made their way to the dining hall in their onesie pajamas and enjoyed the delicious spread.

Aloha from Raquette Lake Girls Camp! The girls came to flagpole in their Hawaiian flair. Leis, hula skirts, flowers in their hair, they looked perfect! First they enjoyed a themed dinner on picnic blankets overlooking the lake. Then it was time to swim and of course have a dance party! They hula danced the night away!

An update from Raquette Lake Girls Camp Stables-Meeting all of the girls so far has been an amazing experience. Every single one of them radiates a positive attitude and love for horses. It is beyond exciting for me to see the bonds grow between horse and rider.

A lot of the girls have been polishing up their basics such as steering and transitions with the horses, but don’t get it twisted we are all about fun here, while safety is our main priority we are here to make sure these girls have the summer of their lifetime. We have done so many fun activities such as bareback rides, vaulting, and even mounted games such as red light green light. On the more serious side of riding we have a few students started over small jumps and miniature courses, as well as some girls beginning to canter! There have been HUGE strides made from every one of these lovely young ladies. Lastly, we have been setting personal goals for our girls to work on so we are ready to showcase these newly acquired skills for parents weekend. Here at RLGC Riding Academy we are beyond proud of these girls and can’t wait to keep you updates on all of the fun things we do here.