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RLBC Trip Day #1

The weather was perfect for the boys first trip day!

The freshman took a hike on Bald Mountain, enjoyed their lunch at the top, and then enjoyed a yummy ice cream treat! The total distance to hike to the summit of Bald Mountain is just under a mile.The Rondaxe Fire Tower, located on the summit, has been restored so that you can climb up for the best views.

The lower sophs explored the natural stone bridge & caves. The massive Stone Bridge is the LARGEST marble cave entrance in the eastern U.S. and is still being carved by the beautiful Trout Brook. They walked around exploring and even went into lighted caves and grottos with pools and waterfalls!

The upper sophs canoed their way over to the pioneering site on boys camp where they enjoyed water games, bbqing dinner, listening to campfire stories, and enjoying s’mores. Ending the evening camping out!

The juniors spent the day playing mini golf and enjoying a movie in town!

The lower seniors endured the high peaks hike. There are 46 high peaks in the Adirondacks!

The Seniors took a trip to Lake Placid shopping and having lunch and of course visiting the Olympic Museum the home of the 1932 and 1980 winter Olympics!