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It was a great morning of activities with the frosh playing GaGa, the lower sophs at softball, the upper sophs at soccer, the juniors at volleyball, and the seniors at flag football!

At lunch the green team had about 100 point lead on the white! In the afternoon the boys hit the fields for kickball, tennis, hoops, and softball.

Rest hour was song & cheer practice where they are learning an Old Beauty, New Fight, and New Beauty.

Dinner was a silent dinner worth 100 points and our boys were trying their hardest to be super super quiet! The white team won!

Evening activity, the rope burn, the boys spent the first 30 minutes collecting as much wood, birch, and leaves they could to build the perfect tee-pee to make their rope burn fast. Both teams made impressive structures but in the end the white team got theirs lit first and it burned… and they won!!!!

At the end of the day it was a very close game, an 11 point difference

Green 597 White 586