Boy oh boy have the boys been having an amazing week!!!
A huge shoutout to D House & T9 for being super clean and winning bunk of the week!
Trip day Monday was a little rainy but that did not stop the boys from having so much fun!
The Freshman and Sophomores enjoyed a day in Old Forge where they saw Minions & Paws of Fury and enjoyed delicious Tony Harper’s pizza, shopping, and ice cream!
The Juniors toughed it out on canoe trips and ended up really enjoying their day!
The Seniors were on camp holding down the fort participating in all different intercollegiates preparing for final four.
On Tuesday the upper camp enjoyed socials and catch up with their girl camp friends across the lake!
Final Four began on Wednesday and the boys proudly joined their teams for the start of the events. The teams were, University of North Carolina , University of Kansas, Villanova, and Duke University. During Final Four, the Senior Aides are placed into a position of leadership over each of the four teams. Each of the boys stepped up to the task and did an admirable job of leading his respective team.
Each day was a mix of many different activities the boys competed in and they showed amazing sportsmanship. Here is end of day scores for the week:
End of Day 1 Scores - UNC: 265, Kansas 197, Duke 189, Villanova 163
Day 2 - morning track meet was won by Kansas!
End of Day 2 scores: UNC 522, Villanova 447, Kansas 429, Duke 387
Day 3 - morning swim meet, UNC & Villanova tied for 1st.
Friday afternoon the boys marched into the indoor arena in their decorated shirts showing all their team spirit. The sing is the closing event of final four and the boys performed in 5 categories. Old fight, Old beauty, Cheers, Banner, & Team Attire. They performed songs that were written from many different years, and decades throughout the history of Raquette Lake Boys Camp.
Villanova won the old fight, UNC won the old beauty, Villanova and UNC tied the cheers,Duke won the banner and, Kansas won the attire.
Overall sing was won by Villanova! Woohoo!
In the end it was a close game but UNC came out on top!
Final Four Totals: 1st: UNC 772; 2nd: Villanova 702; 3rd: Duke 667; 4th: Kansas 652
In arts & crafts the boys worked hard on their team banners and t shirts.
At canoe the lower seniors worked on Saranac Prep. Portaging canoes, learning to steer, and organizing equipment for their upcoming trip. We are excited for our boys to have this upcoming adventure and can’t wait to tell you all about it!
After an amazing week of sportsmanship and competition the boys really enjoyed having lazy Sunday morning breakfast! Lunch was brother, sister, family, lunch and everyone loved being reunited!
Stay tuned next week… We have a feeling something else big is coming but we can’t say what yet!!