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Just Can't Get Enough Of Camp!

Heading into week 6 we can’t believe the summer is coming to an end. There are so many exciting things happening and we are soaking in every minute!

Inspection time! We had some very clean and tidy bunks this week. Congratulations to Placid, Duck Bay, and SUPY!

We LOVE tie-dye. The girls have been getting crafty and creative with their tie dye. They also have been making bucket hats decorating them with water guns filled with paint.

Ahoy! At sail the girls have earned their skipper licenses which means they can take the sail boats out with bunkmates as firstmates.

At tennis we have a new record where our girls were able to rally 24 in a row.

Evening activities this week were lots of fun:

Monday the girls searched high and low all over camp in our annual counselor hunt. Placid were the big winners of the night by finding Gene who was worth $15,000 Raquette bucks.

Tuesday night was socials for Frosh, Sophs, & Juniors and they had so much fun! The frosh had a playdate with gaga, the sophs had a tennis social on girls camp,and the juniors enjoyed music and canteen.

As our seniors were away Tamaron did an amazing job leading the camp! Wednesday evening was their campfire. The subject was Community and the importance of coming together in RLGC traditions. The girls also enjoyed S’mores. The Tamaron show included all the campers as they prepared and performed skits and had the best time laughing the night away!

Thursday was trip day and here is what the girlies were up to…

The Frosh were singing and dancing in the Raquette Lake playhouse practicing for their debut of Mulan on Friday night. They did such an amazing job and impressed us. We loved watching our youngest shining stars take the stage and they loved TP for their cast party.

The Lower sophs putted the day away at mini golf in Old Forge.

The Upper sophs canoed and enjoyed the water at pioneering. They bbqed, told campfire stories, and slept in the tents under the beautiful star lit ski.

The Lower juniors went on an adventure with Shannon. As much as we would love to tell you all about it, its their secret adventure and memories!

Tamaron went to old forge and planned for their show.

Seniors were barnstorming all around Vermont. First stop was University of Vermont and they had a delicious dinner in Burlington. They went to the Shelburne museum and had a beautiful boat cruise on Lake Champlain. A night to remember was spent at the Essex family fun amusement park. The last day was spent at the Ben and Jerry’s factory YUMMY! The trip was ended with a sushi dinner and shopping in Lake George.

Inman island swim was Sunday morning and the girls woke up bright and early to impress us with their strokes. 73 girls did the swim and we are so proud of them. Next up, the traditional swim to boys camp!

Brother, sister, family lunch was Sunday and the children were smiling, enjoying lunch, and cherishing their time together.

Team Week is coming but we don’t know when. At this point it can be any minute….