It has been a very busy week of fun in the sun on girls camp. The weather has been so beautiful and the dancing diamonds have been glistening all over the lake. I want to introduce you to something called camp wrists. A very important tradition here on girls camp. The girls are very busy collecting/making as many bracelets as they can! They get creative in arts & crafts making beautiful bracelets. They also have an opportunity at all the activities to earn a bracelet, especially at tennis this week. But that wasn’t the only place they were leaning new skills. At canoe they have been doing paddle practice and playing tag in the boats. At soccer they have been working on fundamentals and playing soccer golf and goalie wars.
Thursday was our first official trip day and the girls were busy all around the Adirondacks of New York.
The Frosh spent the day on the Rocky Mountain Hike which had amazing views of fourth lake. They then had a visit to Inlet and enjoyed an afternoon on the town. The Sophs splashed the day away at the Enchanted Forest! The Lower Juniors spent the day in Old forge. They saw Lightyear and had a delicious pizza lunch. The Upper Juniors had their Blue Mountain canoe trip. They also spent the night camping out under the beautiful star lit skies of the Adirondacks. The seniors were busy in play practice and we are so proud of them. Their debut on Friday of West Side Story was broadway worthy. The singing, the dancing, the costumes, they did not miss a thing. The campers loved watching the matinee and the evening show. The seniors enjoyed a cast party social at TP as a celebration for all of their hard work.
We are family I got all my camp sisters with me!!! Right before dinner the girls were surprised with their camp sisters! Camp sisters is a very special tradition at Raquette Lake Girls Camp. After we take the first few days of camp to get to know our new campers we match them with a big camp sister that they will do fun things with throughout the summer. Camp sister twin dinner, counselor hunt, and so much more!
Hobby night was a hit on girls camp. This was an opportunity for the girls to pick their most favorite thing to do that evening. Every activitiy was open but some favorites were karaoke in the dance studio with Damien, Banana boating and tubing at ski.
Saturday evening was our July 4th celebration. We boarded the boats right after our al fresco bbq at our pig night site. We put on our best red, white, and blue accessories and had a blast on boys camp. We enjoyed a dessert buffet, games on the beach, and ended the night with a beautiful fireworks show over the lake.
Yawn!!!! We really needed our beauty sleep after all the fun so lazy morning breakfast was the perfect treat. We rolled out of bed, and in our PJs made our way down to the dining hall for delicious fresh made omlettes, baked pastries galore.
The juniors are busy in the Raquette Lake Playhouse practicing for their debut of Damn Yankees this Friday. We have an exciting week coming up and we can’t wait to tell you all about it!