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An amazing morning with sing practice and then the swim meet! There were many different categories to compete in such as the freshman in rope relay, and a bowl fetch. The other age groups competed in 25 yard freestyle heats. It was as close as one splash of water and FAU were the champions of the Swim Meet. The scores going into the afternoon sing were as follows.

970 FAU 861 Miami 617 UConn 471 San Diego

Lined up outside The Hallsband Arena, the teams wore their custom t shirts and cheered getting amped for the sing. They were scored in 5 categories, Team Banner, Entrance, Old Beauty, Old Fight, and Cheer.

The boys did amazing singing the songs and we are so proud of our Deans and Professors for being amazing leaders for the sing.

UCONN won the Banner portion of the afternoon. FAU ended up winning the overall sing by 3 points.

Sing Scores: FAU 156 UConn 153 San Diego State 146 Miami 120

And… the final four 2023 champions are…. FAU!!!!! With a total of 1126 points.

We are so proud of boys camp for an amazing week of competition and coming back together again at the end.

We finished the evening with a final four awards dinner. It truly was a night to remember.

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