Yesterday, the juniors completed auditions for Friday’s production of Annie. As they excitedly waited for the reveal of the cast list, the girls will now spend the rest of the week practicing and perfecting their songs, dances, and lines. We can’t wait to see what the theater staff has in store for the second production of the summer!
As the first week of camp commenced, group leaders awarded certain bunks with the acclaimed bunk of the week recognition. This special acknowledgment is given to one bunk in the freshmen, sophomore, and upper camp divisions as an emblem of their cleanliness and organization skills in the bunk. Congratulations to Maple, Duck Bay, and Strongheart on winning the first bunk of the week!
Last night’s evening activity was the dutch auction! For this renowned activity, campers in each bunk collected various items and brought them to the arena for the event. While wearing pajamas and sitting in their crazy creek chairs, the hosts of the event called up certain items or tasks that each bunk was asked to bring up and gain points if eligible. At the end of the event, the hosts tallied up the lower camp and upper camp bunk with the most points and awarded the winner with raquette bucks. Congratulations to Duck Bay and SUPY for winning this year’s dutch auction!
After evening activity, the lower sophomore age group went to Eddie’s campfire and enjoyed s’mores while Eddie told fascinating stories about the history of Raquette!
Stay tuned for more news around camp tomorrow as we celebrate another exciting evening activity tonight!