Last night, boys and girls camp came together to celebrate the Fourth of July. As per Raquette Lake tradition, we celebrate the Fourth of July on the Saturday closest to the holiday.
The SUPY girls dressed up in full red white and blue outfits. Decked out in glitter and sparkles, campers were amazed by their dazzling getups. Although pig night was inside due to the weather, campers enjoyed hamburgers and hot dogs along with a fabulous dessert bar. While listening to some of the staple songs of the holiday, SUPY encouragingly started a fun dance party while indulging in the delicious desserts.
After dessert, girls’ camp went down to the ferry dock and made their way to boys’ camp for a special celebration. For this all-camp event, campers and staff got to enjoy a mesmerizing illusionist show by Leon Etienne. As an infamous rock illusionist, Leon’s charisma and spunk made the show quite a hit.
We can’t wait to see what SUPY has in store for the continuation of their July Fourth celebration on Tuesday!