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Right Back Into The Groove Of Things!

Visiting day 2023 was magical, and we had the best day with all of our camp families. We hope you enjoyed your day on camp and the sunshine, cheering, dancing diamonds, and everything else that makes girls camp so special.

Yesterday, the girls got a needed lazy Sunday after the full and fun-filled visiting day! They then enjoyed a full day of activities with beautiful weather.

At evening flagpole, three bunks were honored for this week’s bunk of the week. Congratulations to Osprey, Cedar Island, and SUPY on winning this week’s bunk of the week! Their cleanliness and organization skills gained them this well-deserved recognition.

For evening activity, campers and staff gathered in the social hall for a movie night! The movie of choice was Zombies! In the first week of camp, the senior production was Zombies so it sure was exciting to see the parallels between the film and the Raquette version of Zombies.

The freshmen have begun preparing for this Friday’s production! As the last production of the summer, we can’t wait to see all their cute talent shine on stage. Good luck to the freshmen as they undergo the audition process today!