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Blue And White Together Again

Yesterday, campers and staff got the chance to sleep in after a long week of competition. Sadly, it was our last Lazy Sunday of the summer, but the girls enjoyed every second of their omelet breakfast and coffee cake.

For the rest of the morning, campers headed to the last activities of the summer as they soaked in the sun and play time with their friends.

Throughout the day, bunks participated in their Raquette Buck auction prizes. As campers collect Raquette bucks throughout the summer, they then earn a special prize at the end of the summer. Some of the prizes include tubing and snacks, a trip to the general store, movie and snacks, candy sushi making, breakfast in bed, pizza parties, and more! The girls were so excited to enjoy their hard earned prizes yesterday.

Directly after dinner, the seniors, various head staff members, and former campers headed to boys camp for the 2023 boys camp color war sing. They were so excited to see what the boys have been working on throughout this week.

While the seniors were at boys camp, lower camp and the juniors had hobby night for evening activity! With various activities open for hobby night, the girls were so excited to soak in the last few moments of activities for the summer.

Stay tuned for more news tomorrow on our super duper clean up and various closing activities at camp!