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Color War Day 5

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Another awesome day in color war 2023! The boys spent some of the morning putting finishing touches on their songs in preparation for the sing. The boys woke up and went down to the boys camp beach to cheer on their teams for the 2023 War Canoe. Stroke stroke! The boys started in the distance and pushed through. In the end the white team took the win!

Evening activity was the sing. The boys competed in 4 categories. Entrance, Old Beauty, New Beauty, and New Fight. In most categories there was a .5 point difference. The green won the entrance, old beauty, and new beauty. The white won the original fight song.

The green team was the winners of the 2023 sing with the 50 point bonus! Our boys did an amazing job performing.

Senior A Basketball game followed after in the arena to end the night.

Score at the end of 5 days: Green: 2291.5 White: 1809.5

We will close color was 2023 with tug o wars and the track meet.

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