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Team Week Day 2!

Happy team week day two! Yesterday morning, both teams started off the morning bright and early with the waterski and wakeboard competition. With select skiers and wakeboarders from both teams competing, it was a close competition; however, the blue team pulled through with both the waterski and wakeboard events!

After breakfast and cleanup, campers and counselors headed to their team meetings to prepare for the All Team Relay. For this all-camp event, campers on each team line up and run with their team’s baton in their hand. While passing the baton back and forth, the team cheered on all members to run their hearts out! The winner of yesterday’s All Team camper and counselor relay is the blue team! Congrats to the blue and keep up the hard work!

For the rest of the day, campers participated in scheduled activities and played their hardest for their teams. From activities such as kayak racing to the gymnastics obstacle course, the girls were surely tired after a long day of activities. Even so, the girls ended the afternoon with All Team and Rep dance practice prior to shower hour and dinner.

At dinner, both teams anxiously awaited to hear the updated scores. In spite of the blue’s upset from winning the All Team relay and Ski/Wakeboard competitions, the white is still in the lead with 655 points, and the blue falls shortly behind with 615 points.

We can’t wait to see the girls continue to work their hardest and show their team spirit! Stay tuned for more news tomorrow on Field Day and the All Cap Relay!