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A Beautiful Boys Camp Day!

Tuesday’s weather was absolute perfection. Camp was showing off all of its glory on this beautiful day.

We had a lot going on to kick off the new week after Trip Day.

Two groups traveled to Echo Lake. The upper sophs had a soccer tournament there and the Aides played in a basketball tournament.

A new round of electives kicked-off, as well. This week, Pickleball is being offered and it’s already a big hit with the campers.

We ended the day with a variety of evening activities. The lower freshmen enjoyed an open-waterfront hobby night. The upper freshmen spent time swimming at our Pioneering campsite, then had a campfire and s’mores with Eddie. The sophomores were engaged in softball and kickball inter-collegiate games. Meanwhile, Boys Camp hosted a junior social with the girls that began with Tennis and finished with treats in the Canteen. Finally, the Senior group was across the lake for play practice, followed by some time in the Girls Camp T.P. for ice cream.