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Saranac Is Back!

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Our lower senior boys officially completed their Saranac canoe trip. One of the greatest traditions on Raquette Lake Boys Camp that has been talked about by the boys since their frosh summer. The boys bonded as they carried their canoes, built their tents, and carried their meals. They navigated the lakes and rivers of the Adirondacks and we are so proud of them! Saranac has now become an experience of a lifetime that they will never forget. The whole camp came together for the saranac campfire to welcome them back and hear their stories from the trip.

The Aides who went on Black River returned last night and the boys had an awesome trip and made great memories! To name a few of the highlights, they camped out, went deep sea fishing & white water rafting, shopped at the mall,and enjoyed a movie! Of coure they were back to cheer on the lower seniors when they returned from Saranac and took a jump into the lake with them.

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