We had a fantastic day at camp, packed with fun activities and great moments. With Supy and Birchwood out of camp for a few days, Tamaron (the combined forces of Tamarack and Carry-On) have stepped up to lead. They’ve done an outstanding job in the dining room, and we are all looking forward to their show and campfire tomorrow.
Update from Volleyball: Since visiting day volleyball has been upping the intensity in preparation for team week. We have been practicing our hitting and setting skills and playing game like matches. Tic Tac Toe and serving newcomb have also become fast favorites honing in on the girls serving techniques. We also recently had an inter camp for the upper junior girls at Point O Pines in which they had a decisive victory. Looking forward to more fun and challenging games to come.
With the seniors away, the Juniors, Sophs, and Frosh enjoyed socials this evening. The Frosh had a playdate at the GC Arena, complete with snacks afterward. The Sophs headed over to BC for a fun tennis social. Meanwhile, the Juniors engaged in team-building games led by our ropes staff in the GC social hall, followed by snacks and fun at TP.