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Senior War Canoe, Apache Relay, & Color War 2024 Sing

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It was a day of lots of traditional important events.

Right after revile the whole camp went down to the waterfront for the highly regarded senior war canoe race took place at the waterfront with the entire camp watching. Both canoes paddled strong and straight, but white was the victor!

After breakfast revile played again for the start of the apache relay. With 72 steps that each team had to complete from piggy back rides up the hill, human pyramids in the lake, to making beds with hospital corners, it was an exciting race. In the end it was close but the green team won!

We had a beautiful BBQ dinner together on the boys camp beach we all gathered in the Halsband arena for the boys camp sing. The girls camp seniors and siblings to the Aides captains joined us.There are 4 scored categories for this event. The entrance, Old beauty, Original fight, and Original beauty. The entrance 15.5 green to 14.5 white. Old beauty was a tie 15 green to 15 white. Original fight 15.75 green to 14.25 white. Original beauty 16 to 14 green. It was beautiful to hear the songs the boys wrote to classics by coldplay and goo goo dolls just to name a few.

Dribble…. After the sing the energy was electric for the the senior A basketball game. The whole camp watched and cheered and the green team took the win.

Going into the last day of competition Green has the lead but there are lots of big events and points to be earned!

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