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Team Week 2024 Has Come To An End!

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Today marked the final day of Team Week 2024, and it was filled with excitement and memorable moments.

The day began with the highly anticipated Apache Relay. After several lead changes and an intense race, the Blue Team emerged victorious. It was a thrilling competition and a joy to watch. In the afternoon, each team dedicated time to their final sing practice, preparing for the last event of the week. The final sing was a beautiful tribute to camp, showcasing the dedication and spirit of each team. Their songs will undoubtedly become a cherished part of our camp traditions, sung in the dining room and around campfires for years to come. Some of the music used were Out of Oklahoma, and Hey Jude. There were four scored categories for the final sing: Entrance, Old March, New March and Alma Mater. The winners were as follows: Entrance: White Old March: Blue New March: Blue Alma: Blue

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