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You'll talk about it all year long!

The hardest day of the year has arrived—saying goodbye to the summer of 2024, a season we’ll hold close to our hearts forever. We spend the other 10 months eagerly anticipating camp, and it never fails to exceed our expectations.

This summer, we made new friends and rekindled old ones, sharing laughter over cherished memories and creating new ones that will stay with us for a lifetime. We danced and sang in the dining hall, gave countless high fives, and cheered each other on. Raquette Lake Camps is truly one-of-a-kind. The bond we share here is something no one can fully grasp without experiencing it themselves. That’s why we talk about camp all year long.

Keep in touch with your camp friends—they’re the best kind of friends. We’ll miss you all dearly and can’t wait to catch up at the reunion. Until then, keep the Raquette Lake spirit alive! We miss you already.